Saturday, 11 May 2013

Water Gardens, Batemans Bay

From the Eurobodalla Shire Council website:

"The Water Gardens is a six-hectare wetland park close to the Batemans Bay town centre. The Gardens is Council managed land, with the area occupied by flying-foxes also extending onto private land.

Site characteristics and history

The Water Gardens site is a natural drainage area that was once used for stock grazing. The site vegetation is Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest, which is listed in NSW as an Endangered Ecological Community (EEC). The land is zoned for Environmental Conservation.

In 1989, the Batemans Bay Historical Society requested Council redevelop the site into a town park.

The Water Gardens opened in 1999, managed by a community-driven committee.

By 2012, Council had resumed management of the site. The regrowing vegetation was bordering many residential properties surrounding the park.

Flying foxes at the Water Gardens

Grey-headed flying-foxes have been officially recorded at the Water Gardens since 2012. Though there are some reports of them occupying the site in small numbers before 2012.

In 2013 the camp comprised more than 10,000 individuals and a bit over 20,000 in 2014.

In 2015, in response to this increase, Council developed the Water Gardens Grey-headed Flying-fox Management Plan 2015. This plan prioritised management options to reduce impacts on residents and businesses. Options included removing the overgrown vegetation to re-instate buffers between residences. "

See the plan here

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Toragy Point and Moruya Heads

There was a large southerly swell running as we stood at Toragy Point watching and listening to the ocean as it crashed and broiled below. 2 Feb 2013

Cemetery at Toragy Point

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Eurobodalla National Park at North Congo

A long walk along the beach and the northern bank of the Congo River. We were delighted to come across a "bird flying school", which we observed from afar. The adult birds were teaching the fledglings how to fly. They would take off and circle, demonstrating what they wanted the young birds to do, and then nudge the youngsters into having a go. 

The adult birds demonstrate how to fly


Moruya Heads


Friday, 18 January 2013

Bingie Bingie Point

 A magnificent area of outstanding geological formations. Read more here. 

Areas of significance to the Yuin people, whose country this is, cann be followed on the Bingie Wanking Track. Read more here. 

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Myrtle Beach. Jan 17, 2013. Clothing optional!

Myrtle Beach is in Murramarang National Park, north of Batemans Bay on the NSW South Coast. It's an "unofficial" clothing-optional beach, also enjoyed by families, a few daytrippers and campers from the national park. There's not very often many people there - mainly because it's a bit of a walk to get there from the car park, and there are no facilities.

The day we visited was glorious as the photos show.